In recent years Performing Arts societies could opt to have their productions underwritten. This process was intended to act as a form of insurance for performances, covering losses up to £1000.00. If the show made a profit, the society or production group kept only 25% of the profits, and the society would be obliged to use this process for many of their performances throughout the year.
The Underwritten process, as the Underwritten process, has been used less and less frequently over the years and responsibility for its processes has become less clear and transparent, it has become clear that the process requires a review as it seems no longer fit for purpose.
We would like to introduce a new process to replace the historic Underwritten process, and in order to ensure we provide the best possible system for student groups wishing to put on performances we would love you to be involved in the creation of a new system.
If you have any ideas about what the new process should include, have your say here.